Quality German Shorthaired Pointers that excel in both hunting and National caliber field trialing. Aims High's dogs are hunted on wild chukar and hungarian partridge throughout the West. They are bird dogs first that learn to seek out and point birds in wild bird country. Attractive dogs with extreme style, a lot of "point", and a strong desire to please you, the handler is what we strive for in our dogs. Contact us for info on our dogs and future breedings or stud services.
Beetle has a successful spring 2015 trial season
Beet placed in a majority of the Limited Stakes that he entered. He entered two 1 hour Grand Open Lim. stakes. He put forth championship worthy preformances in both stakes and came away with 3rd in both.

Fern Qualifies for American Field Championship Trials
Fern qualifies at an Amercan Field qualifier in Tygh Valley against some tough competion.
December 2014
FC AFC Aims High's Beetle Juice X
FC AFC Ridgeline's Summer Storm
Puppies. These should be great pups from proven bird dogs. Summer is a truely special dog and athelete. She is a wide ranging, bold dog, that will seek out the objectives that hold birds. Summer and Beetles athletecism, desire to please, and style on game should produce great bird dogs for the most serious hunter or field trialer.

May 11th, 2014
Beetle "Judges Award of Merit" at 2014 NonRetrieving Pointing Breed Gun Dog Championships in Reno. Essentially 5th of 70+ dogs

May 2nd, 2014
Beetle wins NWPDA Continental Breed AF Championship

April 2014
Fern takes 2nd in AGD in Madras for first broke dog placement at 20 months
May 2014
Beetle reaches 35 AKC broke dog placements

Beetle makes 2nd series Nat Am Championship Eureka, KS 2013

Beetle Takes 3rd 2013 AKC Nat Am Gun Dog Championships Reno, NV

FC AFC 1X AF CH Aims High's Beetle Juice
Out of FC Windjammers Bustin' Out X She's Got Blue's Juice
Beetle is as enjoyable of a dog to own as one could ask for. He is a big running gun dog that has the confidence to hunt at a maximum range while always knowing where you are. He is extremely athletic, honest on his birds, full of "point", and style that is unmatched. Beet competes in field trials at a national level from the NW to Kansas. He is currently available at stud.

Aims High's Rising Inferno
Out of Triple T's Duramax X Skylines Knot Done Yet
"Fern" is a double breed Tonelli's Rising Son (Sonny) female. Fern is extremely athletic and floats through the country. She hunts independently, seeking out objectives that hold birds while always keeping aware of you the hunter. She points with great intensity, with a high head and tail. Fern came to us with great expectations and every step of the way has been exceeding them.

Keyway's Aims High for the Ridgeline
Out of FC AFC Aims High's Beetle Juice X FC AFC Ridgeline's Summer Storm
Chub's is a nice young dog from great blood lines. He has great style and intensity on game. He is an independant dog that keeps tabs on his handler while seeking out distant objectives. He has a lot of point in him and is handling birds like a veteran mid way through his first hunting season.